Hey! I haven't been on here in quite some time, now! I've been busy, but hope to start updating things here a little bit more often... :)
Anyways, we got some snow (finally!) the other day, and I was able to get out and get some pictures of the horses. (Horses that belong to three different neighbors...) Most of them turned out pretty well, I think.
This horse is named Betty. She always comes over to greet me in the morning when I get out to the barn to feed the cats. She is such a beautiful horse; I think she's a Morgan or a QH/Morgan cross.
However, it's very hard to get pictures of dark horses in the snow...
The is Betty's pasture-mate, Cheyenne.
Me and Cheyenne
This nose belongs to Sage, a young horse adopted from a rescue last year. She's come a long ways from what she was like when they first got her, but she still has a ways to go...
She gets especially frisky when it's chilly out.
This one is SO perfect... I 'm hoping to wood burn it sometime.
I wish I was closer to her when I got this shot, so that it would be in better focus and detail.
Her mane is also quite perfect in this one, as well. Too bad I cut it off with the camera.
She's really a beautiful horse.
These sweet-looking donkeys are named Molly and Serafina. (Molly actually is pretty sweet, but Serafina definitely has that ornery donkey character...) I can easily see a picture like this on a valentine or something.
This is Annie, a beautiful bay quarter horse. If you click on this picture, and zoom in, you can see Holly in the reflection of her eye...
Holly, my best horse-friend.
Another close-up of Annie.
Close-up of Holly.
The whole gang, Going in a clockwise circle-- Annie, Holly, ladybug, Molly, and Serafina.